I hope everyone had a good Easter day!  Ours was relatively quiet this year.  We just had 9 people over, which is just our household plus one.  So relatively quiet for our house!  The kids and I were extra blessed because daddy was supposed to work a 12 hour shift both on Saturday and Sunday, but he got off early on Saturday in time to celebrate our littlest one’s birthday and he was able to be home on Sunday in time for us all to go to church together.

This picture above is from last year of the kiddos.  I don’t have to new ones out of the camera yet.

This week’s menu had quite a few repeats from last week as they weren’t used yet.  I will be posting recipes as I go this week.

Be sure to check out Laura’s blog for more Menu Plan Monday ideas and recipes.

Printable grocery list for this week’s dinner menu.

Monday:  left overs  (Easter left overs….yummy…)

Tuesday:  something in the crockpot  (I will figure out what tonight) Edit:  I ended up making White Bean & Ham Soup in the crock pot – YUM!

Wednesday:  Cashew Chicken with Bok Choy and Rice

Thursday:  Tortilla and Black Bean Pie with salad

Friday:  Pizza Pancakes  (I have been wanting to adapt these to GFCF), steamed broccoli and mandarine oranges

Menu Plan Monday

Monday, April 9, 2007


Monday, April 9, 2007 – 07:31 AM
If you adapt the pizza pancakes gfcf, please post the recipe!  I was going to try it (and I need egg free too), but I’ll wait to see how yours turn out 🙂

Monday, April 9, 2007 – 12:49 PM
Your kidlets look so cute.  And you have some terrific recipe picks this week.
I have to run and check on the laundry now.r

Monday, April 9, 2007 – 07:03 PM
MMMMM, cashew chicken!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007 – 03:39 AM
9 people isn’t a quiet easter, heeheee.   Ours was just me and hubby!  Not even our 12 and 15 year old were there.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007 – 11:29 AM
Hi Angela! Do you have the cashew chicken recipe?

Wednesday, April 11, 2007 – 06:39 PM
Sure thing, Cari!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007 – 06:42 PM
I will be sure to put the recipe for the GFCF pizza pancakes on Friday.  They seem like they would be tasty and fun!