AK canning jar

It’s that time of the week:  menu planning.  Head over to Laura’s site for more great menu ideas!

Monday:  Spiced Citrus Chicken (one of my packets of freezer chicken all ready for me in the freezer.  I LOVE that!  See 8-14-06 freezer chicken post.) and salad with toppings (nuts, dried fruit, etc.)

Tuesday:  Mexi-burgers, with corn chips and guacamole and a salad

Wednesday:  GFCF Pizza (recipe will be posted with photos) and salad

Thursday:  Spring garden veggie soup and some sort of GFCF slow cooker treat (edited:  turns out I made rice pudding in my slow cooker).

Friday:  Some sort of stirfry…

My menus and posts on them have been a little, well, blah for us.  I am hoping to get more recipes posted with the menu in the upcoming weeks.  If there is something specific you would like a recipe for, just leave a comment and I will post it.

Menu Plan Monday

Monday, March 26, 2007

3 Comments $manage-tooltip$

Monday, March 26, 2007 – 07:55 AM
I love marinating/spicing meat up before freezing, it doesn’t take much work and it’s sooo convenient.  Awesome menu this week!   Jenn

Monday, March 26, 2007 – 09:26 AM
Your menu looks great!

Monday, March 26, 2007 – 06:07 PM
You have some terrific recipe picks. Yummy!