Menu Plan Monday – May 14, 2012
Only a few more weeks before the end of the school year, which means our days are filled with a LOT of activity. Having a menu plan helps me get dinner on the table during these busy weeks.
This week the Gluten Free Menu Swap is being hosted by Heather of Celiac Family. She has picked spinach as the theme ingredient. Spinach is one of the staple foods in my house. It is the ONLY green lettuce-type veggie my super picky girl will eat, but she will eat it in abundance, even packing handfuls in her lunch box. They great thing is it’s versatility: you can eat spinach fresh or cooked, use is as a salad or sautéed as a bed for an aug for breakfast, toss some into a smoothie or stick it in a sandwich. Mmmm-mmm!
Monday: AP Bio test/mom works/track practice/band pops concert/orchestra concert
Roast chicken, rosted potatoes and salad
Tuesday: Jazz band/Chamber orchestra?Mom Farm to Fork event (YAY!)/newspaper club/track meet/piano lesson/soccer practice
Chicken Sandwich Wraps, salad, apple slices
Wednesday: Symphony orchestra/mom works/track practice/dance class/youth group
Thursday: Jazz band/mom works/middle school mentoring group/track practice/Girl Scouts
Slow Cooker Turkey Meatloaf, salad and sweet potato fries
Friday: NO SCHOOL/track practice/high schoolers over for bonfire
still up in the air/kids choice
For more great Menu Plan Monday menu planning inspiration visit!
My son loves to eat spinach, too! My daughter is coming around. She’s watched her brother eat it so much, that she just recently tried eating it plain and raw like he does. She didn’t say she loved it, but she didn’t say she hated it either. So, I think we’ve got another spinach-eater in my house now! Yay for spinach!
Bill said your cake last night was Awsome !
It was really nice for him to be able to hang out with his friends,
eat and not worry ! Made me happy too. Great blog. In 1995 there was not
Much cooking info out it’s sure nice to see how things have changed .
Im going to look for your cake recipe.
Thanks for providing the cake last night.
Hi! I am so glad he came over last night! What a nice group of kids! I understand what it is like to actually get to eat when you go someplace, because I (and my girls) have allergies, too, so I wanted to make sure he could have something fun to eat. I also made the homemade kettle corn for the group ( The cake was a gluten & dairy free Texas sheet cake that I don’t have it up on the blog yet, but I will get it up later on today for you. It is really easy to make and makes a TON of cake, just right for a crowd of teens! I’ll drop you a line when it is posted. 🙂 Bill is welcome to come over any time!