We received free tickets to the Twins game Friday night (thanks, Wendy!) and were totally pumped.  I know FAAN and other organizations have helped to make peanut free days/sections at games in the past (great job guys!).  Based on this, I was at least hoping for a listing of the vendors provided or some sort of info on food available at the Metrodome.  Theywant you to buy $5 dollar pop, etc., right?  Yeah, nope, not so much.  On their website I was finally able to find a link to what the food vendors were, but the link was dead, so no go.  I figured there would be peanuts in the shell, and water bottles, but it would have been nice to have a little information before hand.  After feeding her a big meal and sending her with a small bag of gluten free pretzels in her pocket, off she went with Daddy and had a great time.

Okay, so sometimes an event isn’t all about the food, huh?  Eat up before hand, bring a snack, and go have FUN!