Hope you all stayed warm this weekend!  It has been crazy cold around here, but we managed to stay toasty.  The hot chocolate cupcakes on Sunday with homemade marshmallow fluff was a perfect treat for the frosty weather.   I know we had them on Tuesday for the big 12 plus 1 birthday, but we just had to have them again.  Yum!

I managed to get through the week with all the big milestones for my kiddos.  Not only the big birthday for my girl, but we now officially have a proud owner of a driver’s permit.  Watch out!  Yeah, Mommy needed that extra chocolate…  :o)

I am excited to be hosting the Gluten Free Menu Swap this week.  Be sure to drop Cheryl a line if you would also like to host.  I have picked Slow Cooking as the theme for the week.  I love my slow cooker and use it a couple of times a week.  There are several recipes here for the slow cooker if you click on the Recipes for the Slow Cooker tab at the top of this page.

Some other great sources for slow cooker recipes are:

Crockpot 365 (all recipes are gluten free on her site – yay!).  I especially like the play dough (yes, in the crock pot.  It’s my go to gluten free play dough now), though there are tons of yummy stuff on there as well.

The GFCF Recipe Circus had all gluten and dairy free recipes.  The crockpot recipes (43 of them!) can be found here.

Diary of a Stay at Home Mom hosted Slow Cooking Thursday for th longest time and has a TON of links and recipes for slow cooking.  She has switched to Cooking Thursday now, but slow cooker things still get in the mix.  Really great stuff on there.  These are not going to allergen free, however, many can be adapted to  your needs.

For more menu inspiration, be sure to check out Laura’s blog for Menu Plan Monday. The links for the Gluten Free Menu Swap are below.  I can’t wait to see what is on everyone else’s plate!

Later in the week I’ll be posting the next installment of the Gluten and Dairy Free Girl Scout Cookie Makeover.  Friday I will be hosting Gluten Free-zer Friday.  Join in with a gluten free freezer recipe of your own.  On Saturday I will post the recipe for the Hot Chocolate Cupcakes as there have been a bunch of requests for it.  See you then!

Monday: Jazz band/play practice/Big girl dance lessons/Boy Scouts

Slow Cooker Sweet and Sour Chicken and rice

Tuesday: Piano lessons (need a portable dinner)

Slow Cooker Turkey Meatloaf, salad, roasted winter squash

Wednesday: Jazz band/mommy help with 2nd grade class/little girl dance class/big girl sleep over

Roast Veggie Pizza and a salad

Thursday: No school – We may have weekend guests.  I am waiting to see what the plan is before I make the menu plan for these next few days.  I will update it as soon as I know.  If we are, I will probably make Slow Cooker RibsWhite Chicken Chili and Slow Cooker French Toast Casserole as they are always a favorite.  I like using the slow cooker when we have guests as it leaves me more time to visit with everyone.

Friday: No school/Boy Scout Cabin Camp

Saturday: Boy Scout Cabin Camp/Play time for little girl/Girl Scout cookie pick up

*     *     *     *      *     *

What is on everyone else’s plate this week?

Renee at Beyond Rice and Tofu has a link to a great vegetarian slow cooker book, that I have been wanting to check out.  This week she will be having Brown Rice with Miso and stir-fried vegetables, Enchiladas and Karina’s Snappy Crunchy Coleslaw, White Beans in Tomato Sauce with Sage, Tortilla Soup, and Crockpot Broccoli and Three Cheese Soup.  Sounds so good!


Michelle at Gluten-Free Smiles is making ketchup, antipasto and pierogi in her Saladmaster (set to low, very slow cooker).   On her menu is Curry Coconut Prawns over rice noodles, GF Fresh Pasta, Pierogi Casserole, and Turkey Purgers with Parmesan Crusted Sweet Potato Fries & Garlic Aioli.  Yum!  She is participating in Adopt A GF Blogger this month.  I can’t wait to check back with her for that post!


Cheryl of Gluten Free Goodness has been a bit under the weather lately, so is posting more of an “un-menu” plan.  :o)  She will be sure to have soup, I bet made with the slow cooker chicken broth from last weekend, and see how it goes from there.  She posted a slow cooker Orange BBQ Chicken for us all to enjoy.  Hope you feel better soon, Cheryl!  Take good care of yourself.


Heather of Celiac Family has link to her Slow-Cooked Mexican Chicken, which is a great meal starter for shredded chicken tacos, rice bowls, enchiladas, enchilada soup pizza, etc.  You get the idea.  I have that recipe on my next freezer cooking chicken plan when chickens are on sale.  It is a good one!  On her menu this week is chicken Spaghetti, Flank Steak, Chicken Nuggets, Balsamic Salmon, Pulled Pork Sandwiches with Kale Chips, and pizza.  Her menu has a picture for each day – everything looks really delicious!


Wendy of Celiacs in the House had some slow-cooker soup this past week.  She has a bunch of recipe reviews and photos she has made this week.  I love to hear how recipes from other sources go and see the tasty results.  Thank you, Wendy.  The pizza with kale looks amazing!  Her menu for the week features Pot Pie Pockets, Tangy Tomato Beef, Roasted Chicken and Brussels Sprouts, Salmon Loaf, Lease Meat Sandwiches, Baked Tofu with stir-fried veggies and Vegan Sweet Potato Chili.  Sounds like a tasty week!


I am super excited that Sea of Book of Yum is back to the Menu Swap!  Her menus and photos are wonderful.  Welcome back, Sea!  Her menu is a tour of recipe books, websites and cultures.  On their plate will be Raw Foods Buckwheat Pizza Crust, Sweet and Sour Tofu, chichos Kitchen Lentil Tabbouleh, Wasabimon Yellow Thai Veg Curry with quinoa, and Wendy’s Kale and Potato Cake recipe.  You are going to love that last one, Sea.  We had them over the weekend and I have been hoarding all very few leftovers for my lunches.  This week she also shared a recipe for Roasted Cauliflower with Baked Tahini Sauce.  Thanks!


In My Box has been a super-frugal, budget-minded vegan.  It’s really inspiring. The photo of Pinto Bean Corn Cake Fritters looks delish! This week they are having Snobby Joes, GF VCon’s Chickpea Cutlets as nuggets, crock pot curry with coconut milk, and a big birthday sushi party with vegan mochi ice cream.  Tasty times at their house!  I just have to say I have major fermenting crock envy.  I always make my kimchi in canning jars and would love to make it in a larger container.  Love it!

Thank you to everyone who participated in the swap this week.  You are an inspiring, creative bunch!