AK canning jar

Spring break is here for my kiddos!  Woo!  I an loving the fact they get to help get ready for Easter this year without it being during a school week.  This year the kids want to stick around in the kitchen and help with everything instead of just picking one thing to be their contribution, so I will have lots of great helpers this week!  That is a good thing as we have a lot of celebrating to do this week.  Each day of the week we will work on something else for Easter dinner or my sister’s birthday (it’s the day before Easter this year), then store so tat the birthday and Easter will be all set for us.  Tomorrow we will decorate the eggs with Auntie Eva.

Check out my silly entry on Peeps – they are not just for Easter breakfast anymore!

Head over to Laura’s blog for Menu Plan Monday and see what other’s are cooking up!

Monday:  St. Patrick’s Day:  We were going to have Fish and Chips tonight with a big green spinach salad for St. Patrick’s Day, but the kids and I went with fried egg sandwiches with tomato, mango slices and strawberries after having such a late lunch today.

Tuesday:  My mom and dad’s 30th anniversary:  make a spice cake for them and dinner is Fish and Chips adapted form Martha Stewart and a big spinach salad.

2 Comments $manage-tooltip$

Monday, March 17, 2008 – 11:04 PM
The spinach stuffed potatoes sound great!  The fish-n-chips recipe sounds good, too!

Happy Easter!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008 – 12:02 AM

Looks like you will have a busy week, with a great tasting plan.  Enjoy the Easter break.