AK canning jar

Last week’s Girl Scout Camp was a blast (except a bit of food mix up), and the weekend at our friend’s cabin fantastic.  This week will be much more sedate, however I will be preparing for a camping trip starting Friday to Michigan’s upper peninsula with the family.   In light of our up coming trip, I am not so much menu planning as I am cleaning out my fridge!  I have a ton of veggies that need to be chomped and eggs that will need to be gobbled.  It will be nice to come home to a fresh refrigerator without mystery fuzzies growing in it.

Get some great menu ideas at Laura’s site from people who actually made a real plan this week for Menu Plan Monday and didn’t just work on cleaning out their fridge.  hahaha!!

Monday:  Crock Pot Roast with Roasted New Potatoes

Tuesday:   Beef and Roasted Eggplant, Onion, and Green Pepper Sandwiches (and salad, lots of     salad)

Wednesday:  Stuffed Green Peppers (and more salad)

Thursday:  Veggie and Shrimp Stirfry with Rice (and any more salad I have left!!)

Friday:  We are off!!  Traveling food…still working on my trip menu.

Menu Plan Monday…sorta…

Monday, July 30, 2007

2 Comments $manage-tooltip$

Wednesday, August 15, 2007 – 10:59 PM
Oh where oh where has Angela gone?  Oh where oh where can she be?

Thursday, August 16, 2007 – 10:05 PM
…with her awesome smile and her beautiful personality, oh where, oh where can she be?? 🙂 🙂Missing you!!!