So, the Muffin Round Up post got me to thinking about other types of breakfasts.  I don’t like to serve cereal if I don’t have to, but know that whipping up a fresh hot breakfast every day of the week isn’t practical for me, either.  This is especially true when you realize I have 3 kids in 3 different schools all with vastly different start times;  my kids get on the bus at 6:45 a.m. (except when he needs to be at school by 6:15 a.m. two times a week), 7:30 a.m., and 8:50 a.m.  Crazy!


Yeah…  So, any-hoo, now you understand my passion, my need for premade delicious breakfasts.  Below are what I like to make and stash in my freezer:

Again, with the muffins...  also to make:

Apple Sausage Mini-Quiches (link to OAMM)

Blueberry Breakfast Cookies (made with whatever)

Egg-sadillas (usually with kale, or other yummy veggies added and topped with salsa, kimchi or avacado)

Freezer smoothies with veggies (OAMM link)

Granola Bars (OAMM link)

Homemade Fruit-on-the-Bottom Dairy Free Yogurt

Leftovers (my kids and I might be weird, but they really like leftover curry, stir fry, fish tacos, quinoa dishes, etc. from dinner for breakfast.  My oldest daughter sometimes puts “dibs” on leftovers the night before.  LOL!)

My big list of smoothies…

Pancakes (regular and with variations)

Pumpkin Waffles (waffles fit great in the toaster!)

Turkey Sausage (OAMM link- see recipe cards.  Precook, then cool and freeze.  It’s easy to quickly warm in a pan in the morning for breakfast when you don’t have to cook it through.)


Other breakfast resources for you:

Build a Better Breakfast Challenge from Daily Bites

Gluten-Free Breakfast Ideas from Wendy at Mother Earth News (be sure to alter recipes as needed to make dairy free)

Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free Breakfast Roundup from YumUniverse


What do you like to serve for breakfast?