Wow, I don’t know about everybody else, but I had a hard time menu planning this week.  I am still feeling too satisfied from my Easter dinner to really be hungry for anything too specific.  The big thing is that I have a few left overs to use up, but that happens pretty quickly around here with my growing, ravenous children, so I don’t need to worry about that too much.  My kids get to bring little mini-sandwiches on cute little buns and other cutie-pie food for lunch the next couple of days, which thrills me (no need to think about filling up the lunch box) and my big girl (cute food!  Woo!) but not my son (cute food?!?!  What?  Well, at least it tastes good…sigh…).  For Easter I usually roast up a big ol’ platter of spring veggies and the next day use the extras to top gluten free pasta tossed with a mock alfredo sauce.  Mmmmm…..creamy.


Last week I was blessed by my big kids having Spring break.  This week it is my little one home from preschool.  Woo!  I foresee many mini-cakes with sprinkles in my future!


Head over to Laura’s site for Menu Plan Monday.  It’s crazy how big it is now!  Check it out.











Monday:  Boy Scout night:  Gluten Free Pasta with Dairy Free “Alfredo” topped with Roasted Spring Veggies

**Edit 3-26-08:  I had a request for the Dairy Free Alfredo, so here it is!


  Dairy Free “Alfredo”

3 tablespoons olive or coconut oil

1/2 cup finely minced onion

1 clove garlic minced

4 tablespoons corn or arrowroot starch

1 cup unsweetened almond milk, or milk substitute of choice

1 14 oz can  coconut milk (not light)

3 tablespoons nutritional yeast

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon pepper

1 tablespoon Italian seasonings


Heat oil over medium heat in a sauce pan.  Add minced onion and saute until translucent.  Add garlic; cook 1 minute more.  With a whisk, incorporate starch until a thick paste.  Whisk in almond milk and blend until smooth.  While still whisking, add remainder of ingredients.  Do not stop stirring  (or walk away!) until mixture thickens and comes to a low boil. 


Tuesday: Piano lesson night: Roasted Chicken, “Smashed” Cauliflower and Salad  (Note:  Roasting 2 chickens in the roaster, freezing extra meat, make stock the next day.)


Wednesday:  (Make chicken stock.)  Shrimp Stir Fry with Lemony Rice and Sesame Green Beans  

    **Edit 3-26-08:  I felt more like curry that night…  So I made Curried Shrimp and Rice instead!


Thursday:  Mom Bible Study/My big girl’s orchestra concert!  (slow cooker recipe:  Slow Cooker Chai)  Honestly, I am not sure yet.  I think I am going to go to one of the countless cooking magazines and cookbooks in my house and see what sounds good.  I have to justify them by making something from them sometime….


Friday:  Family small group:  Mini Turkey Meat Loaves. Salad, Chocolate Cookies with Walnuts and GFCF White Chocolate Chips (Oh, yeah!)




  Happy Easter!!















Menu Plan Monday

Monday, March 24, 2008

4 Comments $manage-tooltip$

Monday, March 24, 2008 – 05:46 PM
Looks yummy! 🙂  I’ll be doing mini meatloaves too.  
I love those Easter dresses! 
Michele 🙂

Monday, March 24, 2008 – 09:04 PM
The girls look ADORABLE!

And the boys look handsome!

Did you match them as well?

Tuesday, March 25, 2008 – 07:14 PM
Any possibility you’d share your dairy free alfredo recipe with me?  Sounds great!

Becky @ Boys Rule My Life and Must Follow Recipes

Tuesday, March 25, 2008 – 09:51 PM
Either Tim shrunk or Zach grew huge since last I saw him… is it that he is only that much shorter than Tim???