My son’s birthday was Saturday.  He is now twelve, heading off to middle school next week, an entire

 quarter inch taller than I am.  Looking off toward the future, but still checking with us, still here, but growing up oh so fast.  Yet I can still remember that sweet little boy cuddled up in my arms.  

Why is this growing up thing so much harder on the parents?


He is growing to be an amazing young man.  A sweet, funny, smart guy.  The kind of guy you want to hang out with.  A guy you know you can count on.  He amazes me everyday with his joy, his take on life.  Happy birthday, buddy.  I am so blessed to be your mom.



My son’s birthday…

Monday, August 27, 2007

4 Comments $manage-tooltip$

Monday, August 27, 2007 – 09:25 PM
And does your 12 year old like that you put a picture of his butt on your blog!!!!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007 – 12:43 AM
Thanks Cari….I was wondering the same myself!

Ang? What’s with the butt shot??

Tuesday, August 28, 2007 – 07:28 AM
He’s looking off into the distance…ya’ know AWAY.  

You guys are too funny!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007 – 08:33 PM

Remind me to show you how to crop pictures. You didn’t have to expose his butt to the world. Although I have seen girls checking his hinder out a couple of times. It’s really weird.